Chronic diseases

Chronic conditions require ongoing care. Therefore, we offer comprehensive support and counseling for conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma and heart disease.
Our goal is to stabilize the symptoms of these conditions and help you achieve a sustainable healthy lifestyle. We are happy to inform you about the various aspects of our chronic care and how we support you toward better health.

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    Regular GP
    GP, physio and dentist under one roof
    GP, physio and dentist under one roof
    Right away
    Easy access and ample parking
    Easy access and ample parking

    Personal coaching

    We believe in a personalized approach to treating chronic conditions. Every patient is unique, which is why we work with you to create an individualized treatment plan.

    Our family physicians take the time to understand your medical history, evaluate your lifestyle and identify your specific needs. Through thorough analysis, we can develop a customized treatment plan that takes into account your personal circumstances.

    Information and self-care

    We strongly believe in the power of good information when it comes to managing chronic conditions. We provide you with understandable information about your condition, treatment options and healthy lifestyle choices.
    We encourage self-care, giving you the tools and knowledge to actively participate in your care and health.

    Care coordination

    A comprehensive approach is important in the management of chronic conditions. Our family medicine practice strives to ensure that your care is well organized, with different health care providers working together to maintain your health.

    This includes regular follow-up appointments, monitoring your health and adjusting the treatment plan as needed. It is important to us that you feel well supported and guided in your care journey.

    Improving your health

    Health conditions and needs may change over time. Therefore, we place great value on modifying your treatment plan if it leads to improvements.
    Our team holds regular meetings to discuss your progress, and we encourage open communication so that any concerns or questions can be addressed immediately.

    Chronic care at GP practice Amsterdamse Bos

    In our general practice, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive support in managing chronic conditions. Through personal guidance, good information, coordination of care and continuous improvement, we strive to promote your long-term health.

    Your well-being is our top priority, and we are committed to providing care that is not just focused on symptom management, but on creating a strong and sustainable foundation for a healthy future.

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