Flu vaccination and Pneumococcal vaccination: Key Preventive Measures

The annual flu vaccination is an effective way to protect yourself and others from the flu. The flu, caused by the influenza virus, can cause health problems, especially in people with weakened immune systems, the elderly and young children. By taking the flu shot every year, you reduce your risk of getting sick and help limit the spread of the virus.

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    General Practitioner (GP), Physio & Dentist all under one roof

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    Easily accessible with ample parking

    Who is the flu vaccination important for?

    Senior citizens (65 years and over)
    People with chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, lung disease)
    Pregnant women
    Children from 6 months to 5 years old
    Healthcare providers and persons in close contact with high-risk groups

    Why the flu shot?

    For people with weakened immune systems flu can cause serious complications. Think of pneumonia, hospitalisation and, in some cases, even death. The flu shot is safe and not only reduces your chances of getting the flu, but can also reduce the severity of symptoms if you do get infected.

    Pneumococcal vaccination:

    Pneumococci are bacteria that can cause serious infections such as pneumonia, meningitis and blood poisoning. Pneumococcal infections are especially dangerous for older adults and people with certain medical conditions.

    For whom is pneumococcal vaccination important?

    All adults aged 65 and over
    People with certain medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart and lung diseases)
    Persons with weakened immune systems

    Why the pneumococcal vaccination?

    The pneumococcal vaccine protects against severe pneumococcal infections. By getting the vaccination, you reduce your risk of developing these infections.

    Our GP practice strongly recommends considering both the annual flu shot and pneumococcal vaccination, especially if you belong to the high-risk groups. Both vaccinations are safe and play a crucial role in protecting your health and that of others in your community. Feel free to contact our practice for more information and to make an appointment for your vaccinations.

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