Preventive health care

At Huisartsenpraktijk Amsterdamse Bos, we strongly believe in the importance of preventive health care to prevent disease and promote your health. We strive to work with you to promote a healthy lifestyle and identify any health risks early. We are happy to explain more about the preventive care services we provide.

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    GP, physio and dentist under one roof
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    Easy access and ample parking

    Preventive care services

    Periodic health checks:

    Our family physicians regularly take the time to assess your overall health. During these periodic checkups, we measure your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and check your BMI, among other things. These checks help identify potential risk factors for conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

    Vaccinations and immunizations:

    We offer a wide range of vaccinations to protect you and your family from infectious diseases. From flu shots to vaccinations for travel to exotic destinations, we make sure you are optimally protected.

    Lifestyle advice:

    Our care goes beyond treating diseases; we want to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Our doctors offer advice on nutrition, exercise and stress management to promote your overall well-being.

    Quit smoking programs:

    Smoking is a major risk factor for many health problems. If you are considering quitting smoking, our family physicians are ready to guide and support you through this process.

    Screening tests:

    For certain conditions, such as diabetes and cancer, we offer screening tests to detect any problems early. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment.

    Mental health support:

    Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Our family physicians provide support and refer to specialists for psychological care when necessary.

    Preventive health care at general practice Amsterdamse Bos

    By actively participating in preventive health care, we work together for a healthy future.
    Contact us for more information or schedule an appointment for a preventive health check. Your well-being is our focus!

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