Minor medical procedures

Do you have a minor medical complaint you are concerned about? In our practice, we diagnose and provide minor medical procedures. Consider removal of birthmarks, warts, ingrown toenails, suturing of wounds and more. If you have any questions about this, please contact us to discuss your situation.

Make an appointment

    Regular GP
    GP, physio and dentist under one roof
    GP, physio and dentist under one roof
    Right away
    Easy access and ample parking
    Easy access and ample parking

    Wide range of medical procedures

    You can come to us for many conditions that can be remedied with a minor medical procedure. For skin conditions, for example, we perform minor surgical procedures. In addition, you can contact us for the removal of unwanted fluid and fat bulges [cysten en lipomen] in the skin.

    At our practice, we also provide expert care for ear problems, ranging from ear wax removal to treating ear infections. Our family doctors take the time to listen to your symptoms and reduce or remedy them.

    For women, we offer services such as IUD placement, striving to provide a comfortable and careful procedure to meet your specific contraceptive needs.

    Questions about a minor medical complaint?

    At Huisartsenpraktijk Amsterdamse Bos, your well-being comes first. We combine medical expertise with a personal touch, making you feel at ease during every step of your treatment or procedure.

    Do you have a complaint or suspect a minor condition? Feel free to contact us for more information and to discuss options. There is a good chance we can help you in our practice.

    Your health is our priority, and we are ready to provide you with the best care.

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